Tricks and tips to make knitting easier
Tricks und Tipps für entspanntes Strickvergnügen
alle Texte auf Englisch und Deutsch - all posts in English and German
Tricks and tips to make knitting easier
Tricks und Tipps für entspanntes Strickvergnügen
alle Texte auf Englisch und Deutsch - all posts in English and German
team hats - english

be a VIP
test knitter for Hinterm Stein
Deutscher Text folgt demnächst
What is pattern testing?
Test knitting is one of the most important parts in the creation process for a new design and I am very thankful to the lovely knitters who help me to make my patterns as perfect as possible.
It is the guarantee, that a pattern is correct and easy to follow and the result looks good in all sizes and different yarns.
I am a perfectionist and want my patterns to be a positive experience for every knitter.
Before a new knit pattern is published, it goes through a few different processes to make sure it is as accurate and clear as possible.
After writing the pattern, I engage a professional tech editor to check my math’s and make sure the pattern is correct.
Then it is translated into German (all my patterns are available - and tested - in English and German)
VIP-KAL - the fun part starts!
A group of lovely knitters from all over the world knits a sample following the new pattern.
This is a kind of special VIP-KAL – they are the first to knit a new design.
We gather together in my Ravelry group, discuss yarn choice and chat about the process and outcome. As my designs are not the easy mainstream, it happens that little changes or improvements are necessary to make sure the pattern is clear and easy to understand for everybody. I'm there to assist, and it is usually a lot of fun for everyone involved.
Once testers have finished their projects, they take modeled pictures of the garment to show it in best light. It is important for me to see how it fits on different body shapes to make adaptions if necessary or learn for future designs. My aim is always to create well-fitting garments and offer options for every body shape.
Who can sign up as a pattern tester and how are pattern testers selected?
All knitters are welcome and I don’t have a fixed group of test knitters, so with each call posted, you have a chance to join in! I like to work with a diverse group of test knitters: from different parts of the world, with different backgrounds, mother tongues and English language skills, expert test knitters, or knitters just starting out, knitting sizes from XS (32") to 4XL (48/60"): Because the knitters who will eventually knit the finished design will be just as diverse!
Although I would love to accept any applicant, it happens that I must reduce the group as I am not able to host a too large group and read all the posts… I do not choose testers on a first-come-first-serve basis, I choose based on knitting experience and skill level, reliability as one of my previous testers (if applicable), quality of Ravelry project photos & pages, frequency and quality of social media activity (especially on Instagram), whether you have outstanding or concurrent test knits for me or for any other designer.
How do I sign up? – check out my Ravelry Projekts!
Testing calls are communicated in my ravelry projects and group.
Once I publish a new project on Ravelry, you can leave a message on my project page (please do not forget to mention the size you want to knit)
When the pattern is ready for testing, I will open a thread in the Hinterm-Stein-Forum where you can sign in as well.
Please do not send mails or personal messages or contact me on instagram (I have no mailing list as I am awfully bad with lists and would not be able to actualize - and I don’t want to disappoint someone)
Do I have to use the same yarn?
You are welcome to substitute the yarn you use for your project, provided of course it fits the gauge, weight, and any other suggestions offered in the pattern. I do not supply you with yarn to make your test project. You get to keep what you make, so feel free to choose something you like.
What are the requirements during the test?
• All communication about the test needs to be kept in the Ravelry testing thread. Otherwise, it gets lost and probably overlooked.
• Post in the Ravelry testing thread at least once a week with a project update. Tell me what you like or don't like. Share your thoughts. The more you share about what you are experiencing the better choices I can make as a designer to make this pattern (and future patterns) into an enjoyable experience. If I don't hear from you for more than 14 days, then you will be dropped from the test and not accepted in any future tests.
• Create a Ravelry project page, including photos of the completed project, and link it to the pattern page.
• Try to complete the project by the deadline or communicate with me about a possible extension.
• Check out your mailbox and read the posts in the forum regularly. There will be an extra thread for changes and corrections to make sure nobody can miss any changes. And a thread for pictures, chatter and fun, of course!
• Follow the pattern exactly. I want to know how the pattern turns out as I've written it. If changes are made, then the pattern isn't really tested.
• Feedback & Error Reports: Please read through the whole pattern, from title to the abbreviations and everything in-between, so you can spot errors – and let me know! If you find anything in the last mailed version that I missed to correct, please inform me (same about issues you had) before publication so that I can fix that if possible.
• Fill in the yarn quantity and pattern notes and give the pattern a difficulty, clarity and star rating on your project page Ravelry once it is published.
• Share your project. A picture is worth a thousand words and good pictures sell. I love seeing what you are creating—so do other crafters. When you share the project—during and after the testing—it sparks interest in the crafting community and increases the success of the pattern.
Can I make changes?
I very much appreciate all the help with testing a pattern and I want you to not only enjoy the process but also end up with a garment or accessory you love! I usually encourage modifications to my patterns, but for the purpose of testing it is important that you stick to the pattern as it is written. I’m okay with smaller modifications, like adjusting the (sleeve) length, but just in case, please ask in the testing thread before you go ahead with any changes.
Please also explain the modification on your project page, so other knitters are aware of them and don’t assume they are part of the pattern.
If you knit a garment, it should fit and therefore my patterns inclde lots of options for all possible body shapes. In case the one you need is not included, let me know and we can discuss it - often enough the pattern ends up with an additional option.
What if I can’t finish the test knit within the deadline?
Life happens and has priority. Please communicate with me in case you think you will not be able to finish in time as soon as you can foresee your delay. I will not judge—it happens to all of us now and then. I can usually offer an extension if necessary.
How am I compensated for pattern testing?
When the pattern test is completed you will receive a completed PDF file of the tested pattern and a code for ravelry download once it is published.
I would love to welcome you in the VIP team!